Unconditional love.

What does unconditional love mean to you?

For me, unconditional love is seeing the whole of someone. Every part of them. The joy, happiness, laughter; the tears, anger and sadness; the choices that bring us to life and those choices that we are hurt by; experiences shared that are blissful and those that are challenging. Seeing. It. All. And, still, choosing to love.

What does loving someone look like?

Loving someone, in my experience and I am sure in yours too, can look many many many different ways. One of the most challenging though, when unconditionally loving another, is to let them go. It has been such a challenging lesson to learn the ways of unconditionally loving someone, through what appears to be disconnection. And here. Right here in that moment of the illusion of disconnection, we can always sink deeper to connection within ourselves, and also, into a deeper love for the other person.

To love. To love so deeply regardless of the outcome, we always have the choice to come to more love, wisdom, illumination and insight. This a gift to truly treasure.

In each of our lives, there will always come a time where we say goodbye to someone we love. Whether that be by choice, by death, or by circumstance, we will all experience this. Once we move through the heartache, the grieving, the pain, we will all come to know more LOVE if we choose to.

To all those I have said goodbye to, I love you, dearly.